Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Vacation summary Part 1

We started our trip by heading to Kamloops where we stayed with my stepmother Lori. I had a great visit with her - it had been too long since we'd actually sat down and chatted. I needed a kick in the pants to see her side of the story in regards to many things, and I'm glad I got it. (For the record, it was me kicking me in the pants, nobody else.)
Quentin figured out, on this first stretch of driving, that if he said he had to go poo, we'd stop. Jade decided that this trip would be a great time to potty-train so anytime Quentin said he had to, she said she had to. We didn't want to discourage her. After the third time stopping between home and Kamloops, and Quentin not pooping anytime, I clued in he just didn't want to stay in the car long, and started denying him washroom time. Smart kid though.

We took the children to the Wildlife Park. The spray park within it was a great draw for the children. Of course, so was the playground... It was a little warm that day, but not scorching hot. Quentin has a new-found love for "wolvies" after getting to feed them (food was spread out around the pen, then the wolves were released to eat after everyone got out). I included the picture of the bird because there was a question/answer session after the flying demonstration and information session. People were asking "how fast does it fly," "what does it eat," and the usual questions when people don't pay attention to what was a very thorough talk. Quentin was not going near the bird for a picture, nor seemed to be interested in anything else ten minutes after the demo ended, so I started to walk away and asked him to come. He spazzed and said he had something he wanted to tell the guy. Okay, fine. I tell him to put up his hand, because otherwise the guy was not going to realize Quentin, staring at his feet, had something to say. He gets asked what his question is. "What...what does he do?" Oh did I giggle. The look on the guy's face was priceless.

From there we headed up to Quesnel for camping, visiting April and her sons Kyle and Michael, and going to Barkerville for some good ol' gold-panning. Quentin enjoyed the experience of gold-panning for the experience itself...until other children started exclaiming how they were now rich because they had gold. *sigh*


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