Thursday, June 01, 2006

Busy busy day yesterday

We had a great day yesterday. We went and visited with some of the mommies and children that Quentin and I met when he was born. (Other children born the same summer.) It has been quite awhile since we've seen them, so it was quite nice to spend some time together. Everyone is growing and changing so much!

Last night was swimming night. I know we've only gone twice, but I'm totally in love with swim night. Everybody has fun! Jade and I go in the 'big' pool and swim. Last night she was kicking, splashing with her arms, and making motorboat sounds (imitation of me showing her how to blow bubbles) all at the same time. Okay, the motorboat sounds were interspersed with her adorable high pitched happy sounds, which just made it that much better. She decided she doesn't want to wait for me to count to three, and so refuses to sit on the edge of the pool by trying to throw herself in! I had to change the strategy to getting her to stand instead of sit. It works well too.

Quentin and Daddy spend most of the time in the wading pool. It's warmer and Quentin doesn't have to worry about water going over his head. They planted duck seeds (including one silver duck seed), frog seeds and even a seal seed in a bucket. They did venture over to the big pool to have Quentin jump in a couple of times...but then water splashed up his face so back to the wading pool they went. Doesn't matter, they both enjoyed themselves!

Quentin was asleep by the time we got home. Jade slept on the way home, and was awake enough to cuddle with me on the couch, just hugging me and smiling at me. Just wonderful.

I really need to post some pictures. My apologies. Hopefully I can do that this weekend. I just received some great pictures of the two children from Auntie Crazy Lady, so I want to scan those in.

Take care all.


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