Thursday, May 17, 2007

Adorable children

At church on Sunday, Quentin said that he'd never seen Jesus before.
"But he's everywhere, right Mom? And God?"
Yes, dear.
"Why can't I see God?"
Well, honey, because he's everywhere, if we could see him, we couldn't see anything else. I wouldn't be able to see you and you wouldn't be able to see me because all we would see is God.
"Well, I would just say 'Excuse me' to God."

Jade learned how to say "I love you" and in fact spent a good half hour the second day she knew she could say it just yelling it at me. She speaks quite well, considering her age. She is also very accident prone. Right now she has a giant bruise on the side of her face from falling off her chair. There are enough bruises on her legs to rival Auntie Taira. She's fearless and tries to do everything Quentin does. And Quentin's enough of an imp to encourage it.

We spent Saturday going to music class, then releasing baby salmon into the neighbourhood stream. They enjoyed that. Quentin named his fish 'Kitty' and Jade named hers "Fishie."

Tyler is waiting patiently, okay maybe a little impatiently, to be told when he can attend school. There's a waiting list to get into the courses.

I've been busy with teaching. People think they're being positive in saying how little time is left in the school year, while I try not to think about how little time I have job security. All people with less than two years and seven months under contract are being laid off this year, so who knows if it will be possible to bring me back. Everyone says that they'll have me back, but four years of teaching in four different schools gives me little confidence in that. My psyche just can't handle being optimistic about that again. I know I'll get work again, but that doesn't mean it will be in September, let alone in the same school.

Guy Gavriel Kay's new book Ysabel is great. (No, that's not a link, it's just the appropriate way to signify a book title...just taught that in school so thought I should use it.) It's not as...heavy? as his other books. It's a book that younger readers can get into easily if they are looking to go beyond Harry Potter or Dan Brown. If you are a reader of Kay's anyways, don't find out anything about it and just start reading. Trust me. As always, Kay doesn't like to start his stories with "This person is like this and lives in the area where this stuff happens," but rather introduces that information through the story itself. It makes it a little harder for some readers to get into his books, but getting through that first twenty pages is always worth it.

Be well.


At 5/18/2007 9:44 PM, Blogger the author said...

hooray for the update :)

Let me be the first to say, boo the end of school is coming...

We are still enjoying Kelowna and plan to be in Van for the September long weekend - any chance you guys will be around - I definitely want to book some time in with you.

I look forward to more updates... very cute story of Quentin and God.. I like that :) and thank you for the book idea - I'm always looking for something good and something recommended - I will get on it - I read the start of Sydney Poiter (spelling?) a measure of man and was bored... I was expected a lot I guess... so I will now check out your suggestion - thank you.

At 5/24/2007 2:38 PM, Blogger cara said...

yahoo! i'm glad you're blogging again. it's nice to see new pics of your adorable kidlets and hear abit about what's going on in your life. also, i am quite jealous that you've read the new GGK book. i've joined in order to get some new books out to my neck of the woods. so far, no luck with anyone having his latest. i was able to snag "the last light of the sun" which i really enjoyed, as i have all his books. well except, "the lions of al-rassan". i think i need to give that one another try though.

At 5/28/2007 12:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What are you saying? That I'm clumsy? Geez, walking into things all the time, getting used as soccer ball target practice at work, ok I guess I do have a lot of bruises......
Quentin is so adorable, I love the stories, it's amazing hearing how his little mind works.
And Jades' "I love you" on the phone did bring tears to my eyes, she has such a sweet little voice.
Don't stress about September, I know it's hard with your weird and wonderful work history but you always seem to find something better than the last. If my post isn't up to English teacher critique level you must forgive me. I'm on a massive dose of Sudafed, or as my friend here calls it "stupi-fed". It makes me an idiot but I'm pretty sick so I'll cope. I have some sinus thing that turned into sinus/nasty sore thraot. I sound like Kermit if he'd been out on a bender. sigh.
I got 2 days off to recover though.
Have my orientation at Slekirk on wednesday morning, I will let you know how it goes. Yay, more school for Taira!


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