The world keeps on spinning
Tyler's started night school a few weeks ago. He is taking the Math course that preceeds his third year apprenticeship course. I think there's that sense of relief of moving forward with his schooling again. The apprenticeship course starts in...April, I think.
Jade, Quentin and I took a night to take an Indian cooking class at my school. We have an acclaimed chef (best-selling cookbook, on Global on Friday nights with her own show) teaching at our school. She taught us how to make paneer, paneer pakoras, (no)butter chicken, yams and cauliflower, and the recipes for a couple of other dishes. It was all quite tasty. The kids had fun, and entertained the other teachers.
I've started another semester...get the same school I taught last semester!!!!! Isnt' this amazing? I might actually stay in the same school the entire year next year!
I have some pretty amazing classes. I have a grade 11 class that is actually excited to come to class. Even when we're correcting sentences for days on end. Strange, strange students. We're doing Lord of the Flies as a class because so many students wanted to read it. Okay, okay, I'm a little to blame. I told them it was like Lost in that people landed on an island and had to fend for themselves. I've never seen Lost. They're still excited anyways.
We went to see part of the torch relay today. A group of students at my school was one of only ten groups (from schools) across Canada picked for carrying the torch. I'll admit, it's a pretty amazing group led by a pretty amazing teacher. The kids were happy to see the flame. I'm quite certain Tyler wasn't that thrilled because he spent too long on Monday and Tuesday with one of the flame celebrations at the Peace Arch. The thing that thrilled the children the most was getting the blinking plastic flame from the City of Coquitlam. Quentin spent the rest of the day "lighting everything on fire" with his Olympic flame. The ground was on fire, the rain was on fire...
We're excited to see if we can find my dad in the opening ceremonies tomorrow night. We're going to short track speed skating on Saturday. It should all be great fun!
On a sadder note, the world lost a wonderful woman the other night. Tyler's Great-Grandmother, Verna, passed away. Not unexpected entirely. She turned 100 on Christmas. We've been very blessed to have had her in our lives for so long. We've been very blessed that our children were able to know their great-great-grandmother for long enough to remember her later in their lives. She was truly an amazing woman who will be missed by many, many people.