Friday, May 16, 2008

Sunny day pics

We were outside, being silly, and I was playing with the new camera in that lovely light that happens before sunset. We also noticed (okay, Tyler did as he was mowing the lawn) that the city workers in the neighbourhood to replace the water mains did some severe damage to one of our trees while dropping off pipes today.

In other thoughts...please remember to sponsor us in the Prostate Cancer/Do It For Dad walk mentioned in an earlier post. Thank you! :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

New camera

The first pictures taken with my new camera, the one lovely day we had last week where I came home to the children eating dinner outside, the Great Salmon Send-Off (the reptile association was there so the children got to interact with reptiles - Quentin says that snakes are cool, but frogs are handsome), and the day before Mother's Day. Cute enough for you?